
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

Reflections of Reading habits

Most of the people in the pictures, with the possible exception of picture #4, are reading for pleasure, what’s defined as extensive reading; they are reading what they want, when they want and where they want, reading for the sake of reading. I would say all of them, with the possible exception of the picture of students in class, the dominant feeling at the moment could be peace of mind, a travel inside, a step into a different level of consciousness a new world, the world depicted in that narrative.  At least, those are my feelings when I read, mainly when reading in my mother tongue, Spanish. If I had to choose among different literary genres, I would probably choose either history books or crime novels, no matter the language they are written, Spanish or English. However, depending on my mood, sometimes I read other genres like science fiction, paperbacks or even poetry, and in this last case, I definitely choose Spanish, even though I consider myself close to bilinguism, the feel

Let me introduce myself

Welcome to my new blog, let me introduce myself. I'm an old teacher eager to show you all new and easy ways to learn English.     So here you are, some links of interest for those of you who are learning English: Here you have a good reference in grammar charts If you want to know how to pronounce a word click here And if you need to practise your grammar, here you will find lots of exercises